Other Expertise
Throughout his career, Mr. Rondot has excelled in a wide
variety of roles as an entrepreneur, technologist, and manager.
Building and fixing "things" - be they systems, computers,
departments, or companies. It is his innate ability to quickly
analyze a situation, develop alternative solutions, gain buy-in
from key stakeholders and execute the plan that make him the
uniquely capable consultant he is today.
Over the years, he has:
- Developed real-time satellite tracking software
- Developed business software including financial planning
models, manpower retention models, brokerage back office
systems, and membership accounts receivable systems
- Built two value added reseller organizations
specializing in government and commercial sales of network
and accounting systems
- Reorganized two IT departments increasing efficiency,
effectiveness, and alignment with corporate strategic goals
- Built an IT Department from the ground up for a
nationwide wholesale distributor of computer components that
grew to become a five location, 160 staff member, $275
million (revenue) company on his watch
- Negotiated telecommunications contracts that saved the
client over $1.5 million over the contract term
- Located, leased and designed office space and managed
the move for his own firms
This experience gives him a unique perspective integrating
corporate needs with end-user goals
and technological capabilities to deliver well-designed,
functionally excellent solutions that exceed his client's expectations.
Sample Projects